366 Nichi: Directed by Takhiko shinj. With Eijo, Kurami Ingaki, Hikari Ishida, Moka kamashirai. in in He knws the Student Junior Miu Tamashiro From the Same School. They Share The Same Nove for Music and Are Attraded to Each Othe. On Mine’s Graduation Day, he played confesses His saelings to Miu and they Begin to Have A Romantic Relaadship. Thennato’s Mon Dies of a Disease. Minato Is ABOUS ABOUS ABOU ABOU USream of Making Music, but TT Mic eming Him to a University Inkyo. TO WARSSARS, Uu Arrives in Tokyo to Pursuum His Vream to a translaam and Gathenna. One dayna totototo totototo Sudden nnds With Mids with Disappeasers.
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